Thursday, March 11, 2010

What is the weakest part of your proposal?

I believe our weakest part is how much this is going to cost. We really need to start working on the cost because their is so many factors that go into the cost. We also made a really bad choice on where to go. If our group could restart we would of definately gone to a different place

- Blake Taylor


  1. The weakest part of our proposal is going to be how long it will take to get to Puck. If we had to restart we would hvae chosen a closer planet to colonize; just like Blake previously mentioned. Also, since it takes so long to get to Puck, I'm assuming the cost is going to be very high.

    -Erin Hrivnak

  2. The weakest part of our proposal is the time it will take to reach Puck, a large moon of Uranus. While other groups are traveling to Mars in half a year, we will still be on our way to this destination. I think that the mission overall is a risk-reward. If sucessful, we will have taken a huge leap in space exploration. Grant Harley
