Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What are some difficulties that could prevent nations from working together or challenges that must be overcome for nations to work together.

The major problem for all of the different nations is competitiveness. Each nation will be trying to get one step ahead over everyone else. If we can just put aside our differences, and work as one team with the same goal, there shouldn't really be a problem. Another issue might be the language barrier. Anyone that is traveling to Uranus must be trilingual at the least. There should be no issues when trying to communicate with someone who is an essential part of the mission.


  1. I agree with Grant. Every country is caught up with trying to colonzie space first. If we work together we woulld need to overcome that and work corroptivly together to form a better space colony.Also, with working with other countries and different cultures, there might be some racist factors. Hopefully, the astronauts are welcoming though and do not take part in this mean act.

    -Erin Hrivnak

  2. The biggest problems that will be faced is language and the competitive side of things. Each country will want to be one step ahead of everyone else. The language would also be a problem. With each country speaking a different language it would be hard to communicate unless everyone is trilingual. Those are some problems the countries working together would face.

    - Blake Taylor
