Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What do you still need to do to be ready for next Wednesday?

Our group still needs to finish our powerpoint presentation. It is almost complete but still needs a few twicks. Also, we need to complete our marketing poster for our mission to Puck, a moon of Uranus. After we finish these tasks, we need to begin our model and then complete all of the questions for this blog.

-Erin Hrivnak


  1. I feel that our group is well on our way in this project. We still need to make a few finishing touches on things like the powerpoint, the poster and the model. But I feel like everyday we have made great progress. Hopefully we can finish all of this stuff and get this project done.

    - Blake Taylor

  2. Our group still needs to add the last few details to our presentation. Also, the creation of our poster must be created in order to market more efficiently. The final step is to create our model.After these steps are finished, we can present our mission to the panel and hope for the best. GRant Harley
